200+ Food Status For Instagram | Food Status, Shayari, SMS, Quotes & messages

Food Status For Instagram:-Enjoy the Latest Collection of 200+ Food Status For Instagram | Food Status, Shayari, SMS, Quotes & messages for Girls and Boys, Because everyone wants different Status for Social Share.


Food Status

Food Status


अन्न की बर्बादी ना करे,
बचें हुए भोजन का सदुपयोग करें।



“If we shake out all of the crumbs from all of the keyboards in the world, we can end world hunger.”-Matthew Dolkart


Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.


Donut kill my vibe.


Ask not what you can do for your count Ask what’s for lunch.


Call me Kim Carbdashian.



Everything tastes good when you’re on a diet.


Food is my favorite partner.

Latest Food Status

I wanna ride with delicious food.


Television+ Delicious food=Best combination.


My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.


Home is wherever I’m with food.


अन्न का कभी तुम अपमान न करना,
जरूरत मंद को जरूर दान करना.


A slice of pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze.


After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.


Burger is always better.


If I share my food with you, it’s a big deal.


Food is an important part of a balanced diet.

New Food Status

I lost some weight once, but I found it again in the fridge.


I love pizza. I want to marry it, but it would just be to eat her family at the wedding.


I just want someone to look at me the way I look at food.


Sorry—I’m in a relationship. With food.


Sugar, spice, and everything nice.



My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.


Home is wherever I’m with food.


“If we shake out all of the crumbs from all of the keyboards in the world, we can end world hunger.”-Matthew Dolkart


Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.


Donut kill my vibe.


Call me Kim Carbdashian.


Everything tastes good when you’re on a diet.

Best Food Status

A slice of pie without cheese is like a kiss without a squeeze.


After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.


Burger is always better.


If I share my food with you, it’s a big deal.


Food is an important part of a balanced diet.


I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.


Television + food, it just goes together.


I will stop eating ice cream out of the container once I make it completely level.

Food Status For Facebook

When I hear myself eating crunchy food, I wonder if other people can hear it too.


HONESTY is d cup of TEA for gud people 8 all times in a day.


Eat n b fit. 4 life.


Food 4 a gud mood. Prepare it well.


Burgers, Chips and Fries..The stomach just cries so bang on!


Isn’t it weird that after 30,000 years of eating bread, everyone is gluten allergic now?


Mom, can we go to McDonald’s?” “there’s food in the fridge.” “That’s not what I asked.


Really doesn’t get why people like brunch. What’s the benefit of combining break-dancing and lunch?


True beauty is within” for example opening your fridge.


Food Status For Fb

See This – Do Not Waste Food Slogans



I just stepped on a cornflakes. Now, I am officially a serial killer.


My hobbies include eating and complaining that I’m getting fat.


Pilates? I thought you said pie and lattes!


“I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants.”- A. Whitney Brown


Issa snack.


You want a pizza this?


I make ice cream disappear. What’s your superpower?


Carbe diem.


Found love in a hopeless plate.

Food Status For Whatsapp

Say yes to more cheese.


There is no better feeling than a warm pizza box on your lap.


I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.


Even breakfast should begin with the desert.


I like hashtags because they look like waffles.


Just like Carrie Bradshaw, I love a good Burger.


Eat less from the box, more from the earth.


You had me at ‘pizza.’


Age and glasses of wine should never be counted.

Home Food Status

The first sip of a hot beverage is always the scariest sip.


Brunch without champagne is just a sad breakfast.


Being a grown-up is the best, you don’t need permission to have dessert for dinner.


Food is my favorite. If I ever share it with you, then you’re pretty damn special.


Is there gonna be food?” “Yeah”” OK then I’m coming.


If there is no chocolate in heaven. I AM NOT GOING


Hell hath no fury like me when I’m slightly inconvenienced and hungry.


My diabetic friend died in his sleep. I forgot to wish him “sweet dreams.


Food is my favorite. If I ever share it with you, then you’re pretty damn special.


I don’t let my siblings eat cold food …so I eat all.


I like all the festivals in the temple because there I get free food.


I like to have food with the strangers, coz there is no limitation 😛


I don’t let my siblings eat cold food …so I eat all.


I like all the festivals in the temple because there I get free food.


Toast up d real flavour of sweet memories in d form of luv bites.


I like all the festivals in the temple because there I get free food.


Toast up d real flavour of sweet memories in d form of luv bites.


HONESTY is d cup of TEA for gud people 8 all times in a day.


Eat n b fit. 4 life.


Food 4 a gud mood. Prepare it well.


Burgers, Chips and Fries..The stomach just cries so bang on!


Life is a combination of magic and pasta.


Soup is just a way of screwing you out of a meal.


Salt is born of the purest of parents: the sun and the sea.


There is no sincerer love than the love of food.


A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.


One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well.

Yummy Food Status In Hindi

नींद न जाने टूटी खाट,
भूख न जाने झूठी भात.


भोजन हैं जीवन, अन्न ही हैं परब्रह्म।


भूख से बड़ा ”मजहब” और रोटी से बड़ा ”ईश्‍वर”
कोई हो तो बता देना मुझे भी ”धर्म” बदलना हैं।



भोजन बचाकर आप कई लोगों का जीवन आसान कर सकते हैं.


भोजन के बाद टहलना स्वास्थ्य के लिए अच्छा होता है.


The way you cut your meat reflects the way you live.


You don’t need a silver fork to eat good food.

Food Status For Instagram

Television + food, it just goes together.


Is there gonna be food?” “Yeah”” OK then I’m coming.


अपनी गरीबी और भूख का कभी मजाक नहीं बनाया,
भूखा सो गया पर किसी के सामने हाथ नहीं फैलाया.

Food Status In Hindi

आज मेहरबाँ हुआ रब तो यह जाना,
कितना हसीन होता है पेट भर खाना।


I feel like stripping whenever I see good food.


There is no love more sincere than my love for food.


If you’re hungry and you want thousands of something, then eat rice!


Who needs inspirational quotes when you can just drink coffee?


If you combine wine and dinner, the new word is the winner


Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first.


To eat is to appropriate by destruction.


I like my coffee black like my soul.


Eat whatever you want, and if someone tries to lecture you about your weight, eat them too!


If you combine good flavors, food turns into an orchestra.


If the fries are right, then we have a deal!


Your diet is a bank account. A good option is a good investment.


. I just want someone to look at me the way I look at food.

Indian Food Status

True beauty is within” for example opening your fridge.


If there is no chocolate in heaven. I AM NOT GOING


I just stepped on a cornflake. Now, I am officially a serial killer.


My hobbies include eating and complaining that I’m getting fat.


Delicious food, earphone, and best song = Heaven.


People who Love to eat are always the Best People.


The only time to eat diet food is while you’re waiting for the steak to cook.


Even were a cook to cook a fly, he would keep the breast for himself.


Great food is like great sex. The more you have the more you want.


We must have a pie. Stress cannot exist in the presence of a pie.


After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.


Is there gonna be food? “Yeah” Ok, then I’m coming.


You can’t buy happiness. but you can buy ice cream, which is kinda the same thing.


I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.


True beauty is within” for example opening your fridge


जुटा लेती है खुशियाँ वो,
बच्चों में खाना बाट कर,
रोज पेट हमारा भरा है
माँ ने अपना पेट काट कर.


My dinner stomach is full, but my dessert stomach still has room.


First we eat, then we do everything else.


I will stop eating ice cream out of the container once I make it completely level.


जब एक रोटी के चार टुकड़े हों और खाने वाले पाँच
तब मुझे भूख नहीं हैं ऐसा कहने वाली सिर्फ माँ होती हैं।


I love you to the fridge and back.


Everything tastes good when you’re hungry.


Love and sausage are alike. I can never get enough of both.


Don’t worry, be happy.


I’m feeling heroic today. I think I might go rescue some alcohol trapped in some kind of bottle later.


Count memories, not calories.


If my plate is full, I’m happy.


Do you know what’s better than blabbering about food? Yup, eating!


In order to achieve a balanced diet, one must hold a cookie in each hand.


I’ve always been fond of hashtags. They remind me of waffles!


Come on, hog it out!


Most people eat to live. On the contrary, I live to eat.


Calories don’t count during the weekends.


If it’s made of chocolate, then I’m going to eat it!


First, we eat breakfast. Then, we change the world.


Good food is the foundation of happiness.


Food is always more satisfying after a day’s hard work.


Magic happens in the kitchen during lunchtime and dinner time.


I have hunger management issues.


Note to self: “Eyes on the fries!”


If you do not eat well, then you won’t be able to think well, love well, and sleep well.


My head is full of thoughts about food. Don’t judge, it’s a thing.


Food is the ultimate pacifier. I feel like I can forgive anyone after a scrumptious meal.


Broken cookies have no calories!


Food, friends, fun.


ऐ मेरे ख़ुदा, गरीबी कोई गुनाह नहीं
फिर ये भूख क्यों सताती हैं,
इतनी मेहनत करने के बाद भी
उस गरीब के घर में रोटी कम क्यों हो जाती हैं.


Sorry—I’m in a relationship. With food.


Sugar, spice, and everything nice.


Anything is good if it’s made of chocolate.


Food is your body’s fuel. Without fuel, your body wants to shut down.


My dinner stomach is full, but my dessert stomach still has room.


Dear Pringles, I cannot fit my hand inside your tube of deliciousness.


My diabetic friend died in his sleep. I forgot to wish him “sweet dreams.


Hell hath no fury like me when I’m slightly inconvenienced and hungry.


Food is my favorite. If I ever share it with you, then you’re pretty damn special.


Soup is the queen of food.


A taste of the food life.


I’m trying to kick dairy and now I’ve got the milkshakes.


Chips have little nutritional value. That’s why you need to eat the whole bag.


Never make eye contact while eating a banana.


Food is my favorite. If I ever share it with you, then you’re pretty damn lucky.


I’m not hungry. But, I am bored. Therefore, I shall eat. Story of every person’s life.


If there is no chocolate in heaven. I AM NOT GOING!


Food is an important part of a balanced diet.



When I hear myself eating crunchy food, I wonder if other people can hear it too.


Isn’t it weird that after 30,000 years of eating bread, everyone is gluten allergic now?


When you eat food with your family and friends, it always tastes better!


Poor alcohol, it gets blamed for everything.


Yes! My dad is come from foreign and he will bring chocolate to me.


If I was a pizza delivery boy, I would eat all of the pizza.


Pizza: Round food, cut into triangles and put into a square box.


Cakes are healthy too, you just eat a small slice.


If you’re afraid of butter, use cream.


I’m not hungry. But, I am bored. Therefore, I shall eat.


My diabetic friend died in his sleep. I forgot to wish him “sweet dreams.”


I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.


Isn’t it weird that after 30,000 years of eating bread, everyone is gluten allergic now?


Accomplishing things before the microwave hit 00:00.


Dear Vegetarians, If you love animals so much, then why do you keep eating all their food?


Television + food, it just goes together.


जब तक गरीबों के पास नहीं होगा भोजन पर्याप्त,
तब तक भूख-बीमारी-अपराध नही होगा समाप्त.


भोजन की बर्बादी का न करें काम,
क्योंकि आज भी भूखें सो जाते है इंसान.


खाने की असली कीमत हम और आप क्या बतायेंगे,
इसकी असली कीमत तो केवल भूखा ही बता सकता हैं.


काश !!! कोई ऐसा नियम आएँ,
बचा हुआ भोजन भूखें को मिल जाएँ.


शुभ कार्यों में भोजन उतना ही बनाएं,
कि फेकने की नौबत न आएं,
भोजन अधिक हो जाएं,
तो गरीबों में बाँट आएं.



शाकाहार कई बीमारियों से हमें बचाता है,
जबकि मांसाहार कई बीमारियों को आकर्षित करता है.


If you open your fridge and find nothing to eat, lower your standards.


If you come to meet me then you must bring chocolate for me.


The only clubs I’m into are sandwiches.


I eat non-protein foods more than protein-rich foods.


Don’t disturb me! When I am eating.


My dinner stomach is full, but my dessert stomach still has room.


कोई रोटी कमाने के लिए दौड़ता है,
तो कोई रोटी पचाने के लिए.
इस दुनिया की कहानी भी अजीब है.


Food tastes better when you eat it with your family.


Today is my chocolate kind of day.


Coffie is an emotion.


You dont need a silver fork to eat food.


I taste all kinds of foods.


Despite what psychologists will tell you, it’s totally OK replacing love with food.


Food is like sex: When you abstain, even the worst stuff begins to look good.


When I am eating I am deaf and dumb.


I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.


I love street food more than the 5-star hotel


My favorite food is Biriyani.


Wealth can’t buy happiness, but money can buy ice cream.


Good food = Good Mood


My salary does not enough for eating delicious food for the whole month.


I love pasta more than my husband.


In a relationship with Food.


Great food is like great sex. The more you have the more you want.


To a man with an empty stomach, food is God.


My hobbies include eating and complaining that I’m getting fat.


My passion is to test all kinds of foods.


ऐ ख़ुदा यूँ रात में कोई रोया न करें,
करिश्मा कर दे कोई भूखा न सोया करें.


Pizza is an emotion I constantly feel.


A pizza is worth a thousand words.


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