111+ Brother Status For Instagram | Brother Status, Shayari, Sms, Messages & Quotes

Brother Status For Instagram:-Enjoy the Latest Collection of 111+ Brother Status For Instagram | Brother Status, Shayari & Quotes, Because everyone wants different Status.

Brother Status

My brother is my best friend.

Brother Status For Instagram

I am the lucky person because I have the world’s lovely cute brother.


My brother is my local guardian.


भैया की कलाई रहे ना कभी सुनी,
भगवान उमर देना सब बहनों को इतनी लंबी,


Friends come and go, but you my dear Brother, are always there.


A brother is a friend God gave you; a friend is a brother your heart chose for you.


Big Brother is our First Friend and Second Father.


कुछ लोग जलते हैं,
कि मैं और मेरा भाई साथ साथ चलते हैं,


If we fought, if we irritate each other, If we got angry but never hate each other.

Brother Status For fb

Being brother & sister means being there for each other.


Brothers are like streetlights along the road. They don’t make distance any shorter, but they light up the path make the walk worthwhile.



अच्छा दोस्त और अच्छा भाई,
किस्मत वालों को ही मिलता है,


Brothers are the best friends, we can have ever.


I’m so blessed to have a brother that is so special to me.

Best Brother Status

I think, am sure a brother’s love exceeds all the world’s loves in its unworldliness.


Brother. I am glad and lucky to have you!! I love you.


Brothers are like streetlights along the road, they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile.


Brothers are like streetlights along the road. They don’t make distance any shorter, but they light up the path and make the walk worthwhile.




मिले तुझ जैसा भाई मुझे हर जन्म मैं,

Latest Brother Status

Like and dislike, but mostly dominated by like. Love and hate, but mostly dominated by love – this is how I will describe our cute sister-brother bond. I love you, bro.


I am born lucky, because I have a one-in-a-million sibling like YOU.


He is everybody’s best friend and my little brother.


Brother can read your mind hear your heart and love you just the way you are.


Nothing can stop me from loving my brother.


Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.


Who wants to smack their brother upside the head multiple times?.I do.I do.I do.


A friend is a brother who was once a bother.


If I ever fall I know that you will be the one that picks me up, wipe my tears, bandage me and say keep trying. I love ya bro.




जिंदगी को जहन्नुम बना दूंगा,
अगर मेरे भाई से कोई भिड़ा,


A Brother Is 1 of Nicest thing you can have, and one of the best things you can be.


A brother shares childhood memories and grown up dreams.


भाई हाथ नहीं मिलाते भाई गले मिलते हैं,



भाई बड़ा हो तो नो टेंशन,
भाई छोटा हो तो टेंशन ही टेंशन,


Our paths may change as life goes along, but the bond between us remains ever strong, miss you sister.


If I could pick the best brother, I would pick you.


A brother shares childhood memories and grown – up dreams.



भाई तू ही मेरी जिंदगी तू ही मेरी जान है,
और तू ही मेरी पहचान है,


There is a little boy inside the man who is my brother. Oh, how I hated that little boy, and how I love him too.


I don’t believe in an afterlife but I still fully expect to see my brother again.


My brother is the guide of my life.


Bonded for better or worse, you’re always connected.


Brother. I am glad lucky to have you!! I love you.




जिंदगी में मुश्किलें तो बहुत हैं,
पर भाई का चेहरा देखते ही सब साफ़ हो जाता है,


A brother stands by you, looks out for you, and most importantly loves you through your tuffest times.


If you want to know how your girl will treat you after marriage, just listen to her talking to her little brother.



भाई जैसा प्यार ना हम किसी को कर सकते हैं,
और ना कोई हमें कर सकता हैं,


The memories of my childhood would have been a dark night if it weren’t for a brother like you – the sun that lit up my life. Thanks for everything.


After a girl is grown, her little brothers, now her protectors, seem like big brothers.


There’s no buddy like a brother.


Brothers are like street lights along the road.. They don’t’ make distance any shorter, but they light up the path & make the walk worthwhile..




भाई के साथ भी वक्त गुजारने का एक अलग ही मजा है,


We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.


Everyone knows that if you’ve got a brother, you’re going to fight.


When you deal with your brother, be pleasant, but get a witness.


We fighting like a Tom & Jerry. We taking revenge like a Tom & Jerry. As well we always together like Tom & Jerry.



खून में उबाल आज भी खानदानी है,
मेरे भाई की तो यह दुनिया दीवानी है,


Happiness when your brothers act like your bodyguard.


I am smiling because you are my brother. I am laughing because there is nothing you can do about it!


I am smiling because you are my brother. I am laughing because there is nothing you can do about it


भाई ही होता है जिसका दिल इतना बड़ा होता है,
लाख गलतियां करने के बाद भी अपना लेता है,




चाहें कितनी भी पतली क्यों न हो जाऊ,
भाई हमेशा कहता हैं कम खाया कर मोटी,


For Dedicating All BROTHERS in the world (Behalf of their siblings.


When my brother is my side then I don’t care.


He is everybody’s best friend and my little brother.



दीवारें घर तो बांट सकती है,
लेकिन दो भाइयों का प्यार नहीं बांट सकती,


You dont need to worry about anything in the world if you have a brother.


No, I am not okay… I miss you, my brother.



दोनों आंखों के तारे साथ-साथ हैं,
इसी तरह से हम दोनों भाई भाई एक साथ हैं,


Brother! Written All over My Memories, I see a Love that began within the walls of our Home.. There I see U, My brother, Noted in Every Important part of my Life.



घर में जब कोई आपके साथ नहीं होता,
भाई तब भी आपके साथ खड़ा होता हैं,


Dear Brother! We gain and lose things every day. But trust me on one thing. You’ll never lose me. I will always be here.


Brothers are the best friends, we can have ever.


It takes two men to make one brother.


मेरे बुरे हालात से लड़ने के लिए,
मेरे पास मेरा भाई है,


Half the time when brothers wrestle, it’s just an excuse to hug each other.


A brother is a friend god gave you; a friend is a brother your heart chose for you.


My brother is my world.


मेरे हौसले तब और बढ़ जाते है,
जब भाई कहता है तू चल मैं तेरे साथ हूं,


भाई पर रख विश्वास और ख़ुदा पर आस्था,
मुश्किल चाहें जैसी हो निकाल लेंगे कोई रास्ता,


There’s nobody in the world that knows me better than my brother.



भाई का प्यार किसी आशीर्वाद से कम नही होता हैं,

बहन की नजर में भाई किसी हीरो से कम नही होते हैं,


A brother is 1 of the nicest thing you can have, and one of the best things you can have.


My brothers the world best brothers ever 1 person has.



भाई-बहन उतने ही करीब होते हैं,
जितनी हमारी दोनों आँखें,


I have given my word that only death will take me from you.


Nothing can stop me from loving my brother.



भाई बहन एकमात्र दुश्मन,
जिसके बिना आप रह नहीं सकते,


I am a very secure person because my brother is my bodyguard.


The great friendship between two brothers or sister-brother.


लोग बॉडीगार्ड रखते हैं,
और हम भाई रखते हैं,


I am very proud to have a brother like you dear. I love you and respect you for all your deeds.


No matter how hard I try to twist you by being an annoying sister, you always come back to your original shape as a loving brother. I love you.


सूरज के बिना दिन नहीं, चाँद के बिना रात नहीं,
और भाई के बिना जिंदगी, जिंदगी ही नहीं,


बहन भाई की यारी,
सब से प्यारी,


Like and dislike, but mostly dominated by like. Love and hate, but mostly dominated by love – this is how I will describe our cute sister-brother bond. I love you, bro.


भाई सिर्फ बहनों को परेशान करने के लिए पैदा हुए हैं,


Dear brother, I feel strong and safe with you. Even the biggest of boulders, cannot knock down us two brothers standing shoulder to shoulder. I love you.


From kind to caring and from naughty to bully… there are many types of brothers – but the sweetest one is YOU. Love you, Bro!


पहनता है रंग-बिरंगी टाई,
तभी तो हीरो लगता है अपना भाई,


बड़ा भाई हमारा पहला दोस्त,
और दूसरा पिता होता है,


A Brother is a gift from God, sent from above to make life worthwhile here below.


The younger brother must help to pay for the pleasures of the elder.



दुश्मन की क्या औकात,
जब मेरा भाई मेरे साथ,


Brother.. I am glad & lucky to have you I love you ..



भाई-भाई के रिश्ते तब ख़ास होते हैं,
जब दोनों हमेशा साथ होते हैं,


I am born lucky, because I have a one-in-a-million sibling like YOU.


मेरा भाई ग्रेट है,
क्योंकि वो करोड़ों में एक है,


Brothers and sisters separated by distance, joined by love.


You r my brother, my best friend forever


Resolution of 2021? Irritate and tease brother each and everyday.


A brother shares childhood memories and grown-up dreams.


लोग आग से कम,
मेरे भाई से ज्यादा डरते है,


मेरा भाई है मेरी शान,
इस पर है सब कुर्बान,


Friends come and go, but You my dear Brother, are always there!


Only my brother stays with me all the time because Humans leave but animals don’t.


कभी-कभी भाई होना,
सुपरहीरो होने से भी बेहतर है,


The greatest gifts my parents ever gave me were my brothers.

New Brother Status

Brothers and sisters separated by distance, joined by love.


I can’t describe my love for my bother.


बड़े भाई की परछाई भी,
शीतल छांव जैसी होती है,


For Dedicating All BROTHERS in the world (Behalf of their siblings).


No treasure compares to the love of a brother.



भाई एक ही बगीचे के,
अलग-अलग फूल हैं,


You are a manipulator. I like to think of myself more as an outcome engineer.


It is easier to love humanity than to love one’s neighbor.


My oldest brother was a big influence on the films I watched as a kid.



नाराज क्यों होता है भाई,
तू छोटा है कर सकता है लड़ाई,


Having brothers never feel loneliness in life, isn’t it?


I am smiling because you are my brother. I am laughing because there is nothing you can do about it.


I have a cool brother.

Brother Status Hindi

भाई के प्यार जैसा,
कोई दूसरा प्यार नहीं,


मेरा भाई मेरे जीवन का मार्गदर्शक है,


A friend is a brother who was once a bother.


The younger brother must help to pay for the pleasures of the elder.


Big brother is our First Friend and Second Father.


My brother is my heart-beat.



दोस्त आते हैं और चले जाते हैं,
लेकिन मेरे प्यारा भाई हमेशा मेरे साथ है,


Being brother & sister means being there for each other.


Happiness is having a younger brother who is taller than you.


A brother is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit.




रेगिस्तान भी हरे हो जाते है,
जब अपने साथ भाई खड़े हो जाते है,


There’s no buddy like a brother.


Life is nothing without a brother.


जीने का अंदाज आज भी बिंदास है,
जान लुटा दू जो अपना भाई ख़ास है,


After a girl is grown, her little brothers – now her protectors


Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends.

Royal Brother Status




भाई से दिल का नहीं जान का रिश्ता होता है,
जिंदगी का वो ही एक फरिश्ता होता है,


I’m so blessed to have a brother that is so special to me.


I am born lucky I have a one-in-a-million sibling like you.


Glad You’re My Brother.




मेरा भाई मेरा सबसे अच्छा दोस्त है,
कोई भी उसकी जगह नहीं ले सकता,


I was very troubled, yes. Me and my brother both – we were troubled and troublemakers.

Brother Status For Whatsapp

My brother is my only best friend. No one can replace him.


Me+My brother=WWE.


होली Colorfull होती है , दिवाली Lightfull होती है,
और राखी है जो Powerfull Relationship होती है,


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